by Donovan Brown | Mar 24, 2020 | COVID-19, Email Security, Remote Workforce, Tech news
What does the recent surge in businesses encouraging employees to work from home means for your business? For most businesses that can remain productive during a pandemic such as the COVID-19, these businesses are opting to move their work force remote. When working...
by Donovan Brown | Mar 12, 2019 | Knowledge Base, Power Bi
Problem: User encountered an error while trying to connect an Office 365 Sharepoint Folder to Power Bi Pro. Unable to connect – We encountered an error while trying to connect. Details: “Access to the resource is forbidden.” Solution: In Power Bi...
by Donovan Brown | Mar 6, 2019 | HIPPA, Windows
Password Strength: Why You Must Stop Neglecting It We tend to ignore the strength of our digital passwords more than we would like to admit. In order to simplify our lives, you choose to use poorly-thought passwords that are easy to remember. With so many accounts for...
by Donovan Brown | Mar 6, 2019 | Phishing, IT Security
Google’s reCAPTCHAs Being Used for Phishing Scams Users from a Polish financial institution were the target of a clever phishing campaign that used Google’s reCAPTCHA system to generate trust among victims. By using the company’s well-known mechanism, users were...
by Donovan Brown | Feb 21, 2019 | Blog, Email Security
Email Security: What’s the Biggest Problem in 2019? Email continues to be the main channel for business communication, even in the era of highly-elaborated, productivity-promising apps. Platforms as Slack, Asana, and Trello, products that are deeply-engineered to...